Ultraviolet Clarifier/Sterilizers are a very effective way to control green water algae in ponds, as well control other unwanted elements like bacteria and parasites.
Model # A00034
Ultraviolet Clarifier/Sterilizers are a very effective way to control green water algae in ponds, as well control other unwanted elements like bacteria and parasites. UV Clarifier/Sterilizers can be used to control the amount of harmful bacteria and parasites in your pond, while creating a healthier environment for your pond ecosystem. When using a UV as water sterilizer, it will clear your pond of green water algae quickly and effectively, without the use of algaecide's.
Used as a sterilizer, the Classic 15 Watt UV is the premium choice for 200-500 gallons of fresh water or up to 75 gallons of salt water. Used as a clarifier, the Classic 15 Watt can treat up to 2000 gallons of fresh water that has 50% to 75% plant coverage.
Aqua Ultraviolet Sterilizers will clear your water in 3-5 days sometimes overnight and keep it that way. Performance is guaranteed when sized, installed and operated according to AU instructions.
Easy Twist Cap For Easy Quartz Sleeve Maintenance Just One Cap To Twist For Access To The Quartz Sleeve.
Quick Release T`s For Easy Installation And Winterization.
Lamp Is Positioned In The Housing For Maximum UV Effectiveness.
Slender Housing Design Allows For Higher UV Dosage.
The Unit Is Designed For Maximum Flow Rates.
Easy To Remove Remote Power Supply.
Designed For Indoor or Out Door Use.
Optional Wiper Keeps your quartz Sleeve clean!
How Ultraviolet Works
The Ultraviolet Lamp emits a germicidal ray which alters or disrupts the DNA or RNA of single celled organisms such as algae, bacteria and protozoa. By properly implementing an Aqua Ultraviolet System in-line, these organisms can be eradicated effectively without any harmful residuals. Your Aqua Ultraviolet System was made to work as a control for green water and single celled organisms. This unit will not, nor will any other unit, completely sterilize your pond as the pond itself is not a sterile environment. As a control, this unit will effectively lower your water's bacterial count allowing your fish to stay healthier with less risk of disease. The Aqua Ultraviolet Sterilizer works better on filtered water. Any debris in the water can inhibit UV Transmission.
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