Aquascape Liquid Algaecide effectively controls and combats string algae and green water. Controls many types of algae in water gardens, Koi and goldfish ponds containing live plants and fish. Keeps water gardens and fountains clean and clear.
•2.5 Gallon Size Bottle
•Stops algae growth
•Controls green & string algae
•Fast acting
•CANNOT SHIP TO AL or NY - Check back often as new states are Approved.
Direction for use:
It is a violation of federal lawto use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
This information contained above and below is used as a guide only.Please read and follow the label explicitly!
Add 1 teaspoonful (5 ml) of Algaecide for every 50 gallons(190 L) of pond/fountain water or 1oz per 300 Gallons. Thoroughly mix Algaecide into pond/fountain by adding near the pump outflow, waterfall, or aeration device. Algaecide can be mixed in a bucket of pond/fountain water and dispersed evenly around the pond/fountain.
•Repeat dose every 3 days until algae is controlled.
•Be prepared to siphon out dead filamentous algae.
•Once algae growth is under control, add one dose every 5 days.
•Weekly doses of Aquascape Algaecide will control algae growth and reduce pond/fountain maintenance.
Caution: Do not use Aquascape Algaecide with crustaceans, including; crabs,shrimp, freshwater shrimp, and freshwater lobsters.
WARM WEATHER CAUTION: Before using Aquascape Algaecide make certain that thepond has vigorous aeration - e.g. a fountain, waterfall, or aeration device to avoid fish loss due to low oxygen levels. When algae is removed by the filter or settles to the bottom of the pond, the oxygen level may drop to aharmful level if adequate aeration is not provided. Therefore, when using PondCare Algae Destroyer Advanced during warm summer months, adequate aeration is required.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - See bottle for First Aid & other precautionary statements
(dimethyliminio) ethylene
(dimethyliminio) ethylene dichloride] ...... 6.0%
EPA Reg. No. 88999-2-83739
EPA est. No. 88999-IL-01
Do not shut pond pumps and aeration devices off at night.
1 gallon treats up to 40,000 U.S. gallons (151,417 L)
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