Pet Loo Backyard In A Box Pet Replacement Grass For The Pet Loo
Replacement Grass for Pet Loo.
Large 33"x33"x6"
Pet Loo Backyard In A Box Pet Replacement Grass For The Large Pet Loo
Replacement Grass for Pet Loo. Whether you live in an apartment or a house, take your dog to the office or simply want to leave those toilet training headaches behind. The Pet Loo is hygenic, convenient and an environmentally friendly way to allow your pet to do its business without relying on you for an opportunity. This artificial lawn is ideal for apartment and town house dwellers, nursing home residents, grassfree backyards, plush garden owners and boaters. The Pet Loo has won the People's Choice Award and Australian Pet Product of the Year Award. The grass is able to be taken off the tray and cleaned seperately. Please note this does not include the tray.
After lengthy testing, we have ensured that the perforations on the base mat guarantee maximum drainage. The grass only needs to be replaced if you feel it's necessary. To clean The Pet Loo please follow the steps below
1) Daily: Pour warm water over the grass to flush out any excess urine.
2) 2-3 Times/Week: Spray WEE Care on the Loo & Grass
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