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Ultimate Koi Clay 20 lbs. UKC20

Price: $89.20
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 Ultimate Koi Clay 22 lb.

Ultimate Koi Clay is a high quality calcium bentonite / montmorillonite clay powder that will replace minerals and trace elements that have been leached out of the pond water by the fish and plants. While in suspension in the water it will not only release minerals, but it will also attract and absorb heavy metals and other toxins.
Ultimate Koi Clay appears to dissolve when mixed with water, but it only goes into suspension. The clay is made up of billions of microscopic particles. Below is an image of bentonite clay at different magnifications up to 20,000 times its original size. As these particles spread out and settle in the pond they adsorb (to gather on a surface in a condensed layer) and absorb (take in or soak up) toxins from the water. During this process minerals are released into the water.
The best explanation I've seen on how calcium bentonite clay removes toxins comes from clay expert Ran Knishinsky "Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals, pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere like flies to sticky paper; then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess."
After that occurs the clay can be filtered out of the pond via your mechanical filter or vacuum. If left in the pond the toxins will continue to be bound.

Ultimate Koi Clay has no expiration date and can be used year-round.
Minimum Dose: Use one level tablespoon of Ultimate Koi Clay for each 1,000 gallons (US) of water, every other day for the first two weeks. Beginning the third week only dose once or twice per week. You can mix Ultimate Koi Clay into a container of pond water and pour it evenly around the pond or make it into a mud ball and lay it in a gently flowing stream of water so it dissolves slowly.

The minerals contained in Ultimate Koi Clay are beneficial to all living things. They benefit your plants and fish, as well as the bacteria living in your filters. Ultimate Koi Clay will remove toxins (heavy metals, free radicals, and pesticides). Ultimate Koi Clay literally attracts these elements like a magnet and then sucks them up like a sponge. This causes the entire "mess" to settle so it can be removed by a good mechanical filter or screened out manually. If left in the pond the toxins will remain bound in the clay. All this improves water clarity and quality.
Calcium Bentonite Clay (100%), Natural Mineral, Montmorillonite

Formula: Naturally occurring hydrated aluminosilicate of calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, and iron.

Ultimate Koi Clay is a naturally occurring calcium bentonite clay, which is available from only a few of the bentonite mines in the world. It goes into suspension very well and is ideally suited for recirculating koi and garden ponds.

Our clay is all-natural. We purchase it directly from the mine and have it processed to the consistency needed for your use. Nothing is added to detract from the makeup of the clay and its minerals as it is found in nature. We have made every effort to keep the cost affordable for the backyard pond and koi enthusiast.



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